Reiki Level 3 & 4

Training & Certification

Achieve Reiki Master & Teacher Level

You made it to the final step of your Reiki certification journey!

With level 1, you healed yourself and focused on the physical healings aspect of Reiki.

In level 2, you moved into the emotional healing and learned how to send Reiki to any time and place.

Now, in level 3, you will attain deep spiritual healing as you step into Reiki Master.

Level 4, is just an addition to the Master level where you learn how to teach Reiki to others. There will be no attunement for level 4 and is why they are almost always taught together.

Let's complete your training!

Deepen Your Connection

Level 3 is the Master level. At this level, the energy moves to a spiritual plane. This is soul healing. You learn how to heal at a cellular level. It is also the prerequisite for teaching Reiki.

Taking your level 3 training simply completes the cycle of energy healing. From physical to emotional to soul. It is the holistic triangle. We can only achieve health when all three things are in balance. I have many students who complete Level 3 solely for personal use.

Reiki Level 4 has no attunement process as it simply supports you in the process of becoming a teacher of Reiki. This is why you will almost always see levels 3 and 4 taught together.

"This course will exceed your expectations if you do your homework and commit fully to learning and practicing what is being taught. This course was fairly life changing for me emotionally, physically and spiritually. The skills I learned here have translated into every aspect of my life and I’m loving it."

-Reiki Master Student

Healing and Enlightenment

-What's Included In Your Course -

Module 1:

Level 3

Master symbol, other level 3 symbols, and how to increase Reiki power

Module 2:

Attunement Process

Before and after an attunement, and distance healing

Module 3:

Level 4

Teaching Reiki to others, and your Master Reiki Lineage

Module 4 & 5:

Business Energetics

Exchange of energy, using other tools in your business, more on chakras, Emotional Scale, and Angels

Module 6:

Course Wrap Up

Resources and your 21-day cleanse


+ Level 3 Attunement via Zoom

+ An individual 30-minute distance Reiki session

+ Access to my private Reiki Group on the 'Soulpreneurs' app

Your journey into the spiritual depths may be just beginning or you may already be experiencing healing energy and holistic methods. Students at all levels have expressed leaving this course with more than they expected. I know you will, too!

"It feels like you have this low key super power. It is a mind opening experience and knowing it is there can change your perspective on things. The experience was so personal and I left with feeling a deeper connection to others and universe. I've gotten better with my own self confidence and ability to do reiki on myself and others. I also want to take my relationship with reiki deeper and connect with spirit"

-Reiki Master Student

A Little About Me...

Stephanie is a trained and certified Reiki Master and Teacher. She lives in the foothills of Western North Carolina with two kiddos.

She has followed the path of holistic healing for 7+ years and continues to deepen her knowledge and understanding of quantum healing and shamanism. She co-hosts women's retreats and enjoys holding space for others to heal.